Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Weigh in Wednesday

Today I wanted to introduce my plan for Wednesdays but I haven't had a lot of time to take my measurements. I didn't want to get out of the habit of posting daily already, so I am posting my plan :)

I will take measurements next week but since standing on the scale is so easy I can say that my beginning weight is 228... almost the heaviest I have ever been
If you read my earlier posts you will see that I have gained since last time, but as I have said this is a new beginning for me! I will be happy to say that my heaviest is way behind me!
Here is the part that is the hardest for me, the pictures, but I know it will help.

Thank you again for supporting me in this working for a better life!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

first Tasty Tuesday

Tonight I tried the Lasagna "Cupcakes" from Emily Bites. I will let you click the link to get her recipe :) Here is a pic of what mine turned out like.

(my camera battery was dead I will have to take pictures when it is charged)

they were oh so yummy! Now to do better at making side dishes so we dont eat to many! Tonight we ate them with green beans, next time I think I will make some garlic bread to go with them too!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Ok time to re-evaluate things. This blog didn't do what I was hoping for me so far. That is to give me a sense of purpose to keep me going daily. I think it is obvious how well that has worked so far. I still want to post my weight loss adventure but I am planning on adding other features as well.

To start with I found this awesome blog via pintrest called Emily Bites, and there are a lot of recipes I want to try so once a week I plan on trying something from her blog (and other blogs I my find along the way) and share my experience in making them and my family's opinion of them. My hope for this is that you who read these can learn from my experience.

Once a week I want to post something funny that I saw on the internet or in real life that gave me a lift with laughter. My hope for this is to always have something to keep me laughing.

Once a week I want to post something crafty I did the week before. My hope for this is that I will be challenged to keep doing crafty things even when I dont feel happy.

I read a book last week where a father challenges his daughter to do thing to change her life from what she has to what she wants, one of the things he asks her to do is to once a week write a thank you note to someone. I want to do that, I may write to someone I know and send it to them, but I will once a week post a thank you to someone, even if I have no way to get it to them. My hope is that while I find the things and people I have to be thankful for/to I will become a more positive thinker.

I would like to eventually get to making one cake a week to post here. My hope for this will be to improve on my favorite talent I have and learn new techniques.

So here is to the new blog and the new year and the new me! Thanks again for reading and keep your arms crossed for me! :)